This washer won't agitate. It fills, spins, drains, and everything else works great, just no agitate. So, waterlevel switch didn't test exactly right so I replaced it. Still no agitate. BUT, I thought I might have it wired wrong (there are 3 wires on the water level switch), so I tried different combinations. One combination did agitate (but at times when it should have been filling!). So, this confirmed to me that the agitation system does work (transmission, gears, etc.). And, the lid switch appears to work; when it's spinning if I lift the lid, it stops.
If I manually cycle the timer to the beginning of a cycle, it starts to fill, then stops filling at the end of the fill cycle. Next is an agitate cycle, and there nothing happens. If I manually forward the time to the spin cycle, that works and the water drains. And if I lift the lid, the spin stops, but when I close the lid it resumes.
So, water level pressure switch is new and works, transmission works, agitator gears are ok, lid switch works, fill and drain valves etc. work. The only thing not working is agitation, and it does NOTHING during agitation (no noises, etc.).
Any ideas?