Here are your parts
Note: That it is for an EQ2 as I could not find an E02.
Replacement parts for WHIRLPOOL LER4634EQ2 | AppliancePartsPros.comHere is the wiring diagram like you had a motor overheating problem especially if you had to wait several minutes before the unit would re-start. The motor has an over temperature thermal protect in it so if it gets too hot it shuts down and then must cool down so the thermal protect can reset.
Try turning the drum by hand. Should turn fairly easily. If not could be the drum is jammed for some reason. You may want to try this on a couple other dryers to get a feel for it.
If it is difficult to turn run your fingers around the back and front of the tub to machine seal. To see if something has jammed between the tub and frame (bra wires are famous for this). Be careful in case the object is something sharp.
If nothing is jammed in there you will have to open it up and find the cause.
Sounds like either the thermal fuse (Item 23 in Section 3) has blown or the motor is toast.
Unplug the unit, unplug one side of the fuse and measure it with a meter. It should be 0 ohms.
If you do not have a meter
Jiggery Pokery method is.
Unplug the unit.
Remove both wires from the fuse, short them together and tape them up so they will not short to the frame.
Plug the unit in and give it a try.
If blown, replace the fuse ASAP as it is a critical safety device re: prevents lint fires which can turn into house fires.
You still have to find out why the motor was cutting out.
Always a good idea to clean/check your vent system and the blower.