Originally Posted by: agscheidle 
The problem seams intermittent. Still seam like a tachogenerator? Does the Nexxt 300 have a speed control board? Is it in the motor? If not, is it separate from the main control board? Can it be independently replaced? I also recently noticed that when it does this, it will unlock within a few minutes, but the unlock indicator will still show it as locked.
First, yes, all nexxt series washers have speed control boards. It's located in the back left corner of the washer and has to be gotten to by taking off the back panel. This means it can be replaced separately. I'll have to check into the unlocking issue. I don't know if I've ever seen that before, but I'll ask around.
It being an intermittent problem means it's probably not in the motor/tachogenerator. What you can do is put it into a service mode to check for error codes. I'll post the directions below:
1)With unit turned off, press and hold the two buttons to the left of the knob, (Spin Select and Delay - I think)
2)While holding those buttons, rotate the knob one to the left (Perm. Press Cold)
3)Keep holding the buttons until the display shows a P:01
Now, the way Bosch's test program works is the P:XX is the specific test, and pressing "Start/Pause" will start that test.
The tests I can recall are as follows:
P:01 - Error Code Recall
p:04 - Spin Test
P:13 - Water Valve(s) Test
P:15 - Drain Test
There are others, but these are the one's I used most ofter, therefor remember.
P:01 - Pressing start will show you an E:01 / C:0X
What this means is the E:XX is the error code and the C:XX indicates the number of times the code has shown up in the last 8 cycles. Using the spin select button will allow you to scroll through all 24 of the control errors as well as the motor codes, which are D:XX codes.
So, for example, if you see an E:21 / C:03 this means you unit felt there was too much foam (soap) inside the unit,
P:04 - Pressing start will cause the door to lock, the drain to kick it and (hopefully) the unit to agitate and go into a full speed spin. You may see an error code pop up at this point if the unit fails to spin.
P:13 Pressing starts the filling of the bleach cup. Press it a second time and the soap cup will fill with cold water. Once more and it fills the fabric softener cup. Finally, pressing it a fourth time will fill the soap cup with hot water. Hitting the spin select will cancel this test.
P:15 Press start and it drains.
So, using the directions above check for error codes and run a spin test. Post up your results and I'll see what I can make of it.