Its pretty simple to adjust. If you call a repairman out, I doubt they will adjust it, as most who I talked to said it was not adjustable.
Unplug the machines power.
You can youtube a video on how to remove the top control panel, its just 2 screws on the back of it, phillips head. Swing the control panel up, and find something to support it so you have both hands free.
You'll see a clear plastic tube coming up from the back rear like 3/8 in diameter, to a "T" connection. The one that goes to the left, thats the wash water level switch it connects to. The one you can adjust, large, medium, small, from the front of the panel . The other off the T goes to the rinse water level switch. There is not a knob to adjust it. But if you look at the bottom of the lever mechanism/cam pickups of both switchs, you will see that they are the same. Rotate the wash load size from small to large, back to small, notice how the mechanism changes?
The rinse water level swtich acts the same way, although it is only a 2 position switch, small and large. Once you watch the wash level mechanism move from rotating it back and forth a few times, you should be able to see how to rotate that same mechanism on the rinse switch 1 click. It will click into place, there are only 2 positions as I said and from the factory its in small, so once it "clicks in" dont go any further. I did mine with a very small screw driver without removing the rinse switch.
Once you get that hidden switch turned to the other position, put it back together, fire it up and now your rinse is the large level, all the time.
Thats what I did to mine, took all of 5 minutes to disasseble, fix, and reassemble
They swear though this cant be done....Ok then...And if you need factory service work, you can always change it back ;-)
I would imagine if its the same model number, unless they have changed it, which I dont think so since its so new of a model-2011 model, should be the same.
I have pictures if needed
There is a white plunger out of the end of each switch with a screw loctited in place. Dont mess with the screw or that plunger. As you adjust the lever mechanism/cam this adjusts the amount of that plunger sticking out, which changes the pressure pickup for water level.