Here are your parts includes a wiring diagram.
Replacement parts for MAYTAG PYE4500AYW Dryer - Ele | AppliancePartsPros.comProblem with the above is that the wiring diagram is for a gas uniy.
Below is the parts for a PYE4558 it's wiring diagram is for an electric unit and it should be close to yours.
Replacement parts for MAYTAG PYE4558AYW Dryer - Ele |[COLOR="Blue"]Can you tell me what else I can do?[/COLOR]
Since you can hear the timer we will assume that the unit is getting voltage and that the thermal fuse is OK. An additional check would be if the interior light is working or check the L1 to Neutral voltage, should be 120 volts.
Could be the following.
The door switch is not closing. Manually push it to see if the interior light goes off. If it does try starting the dryer like this. Could be it is not being closed by the door. Do not run the dryer very long with the door open as this can blow the thermal fuse. Note this test does not totally eliminate the switch as the cause. It could be that the contacts inside the switch are shot so if the above does nothing check it with a meter.
The push to start switch is not closing.
The motor is shot or has a loose/bad connection.
If you do not own a meter, I would suggest you purchase a one. You can get a decent digital multimeter for under $20.00. You do not need fancy though it is nice if the leads are a couple feet long.
If it saves ordering one unnecessary part it has paid for itself and you end up owning a useful tool.
Most places will not let you return electrical parts so if you order it, you own it.
A couple things to watch when measuring ohms and continuity
1. Always remove power from the machine otherwise you could blow your meter.
2. Always disconnect at least one side of any device you are checking. This eliminates the possibility of measuring an alternate/parallel circuit path.
3. When checking for closed contacts and continuity use the lowest scale (Usually 200 ohms). Then try higher scales. This scale is 0 to 200 ohms so if the device you are measuring is 300 ohms this scale would show an open circuit which it is not, you are just measuring outside the scale's dynamic range.
There is a good STICKY at the start of this forum about it's use.