Hi, I am trying trouble shoot: I have a Kenmore side by side fridge, approx. 6 years old, model # 106.53232300. I came home to a completely warm fridge/freezer. It still has power, lights on, fan motor running, and the compressor appears to be attempting to cycle on and off about every minute or so. I have several animals and found that the coils wear coated with hair. I have thoroughly vacuumed the coils. Plugged back in, still not cooling.
Through on line research I have found that I may be able to complete the repair, but not sure where to begin. One reference mentions that if the fridge has a capacitor, that it needs to be discharged before attempting any repairs.
First, does this model have a capacitor and if so where may I find it?
I have learned that a compressor issue is one to be left to professionals. Based on the symptoms described, may I proceed with my attempt to fix fridge and if so, what would the recommended next steps be?
Thank you kindly!