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#1 Posted : Thursday, February 27, 2014 2:06:51 PM(UTC)

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Joined: 2/27/2014(UTC)
Posts: 1

Hello - our GE Profile side by side fridge is about 2 yrs old and has started exhibiting a bizarre problem. When the fridge side is opened the led interior lights start flashing on and off.

There are no unusual messages indicated on the control panel and the freezer side seems unaffected. Both sides continue to cool properly it seems. If i do adjust the temp up or down this will cure the problem for a few hours, then it returns.

Serial no is: HT 413792

All ideas appreciated!


By the morning of day 2 with this problem things had deteriorated. The fridge compressor and fans had stopped working and the control panel had stopped displaying anything nor would it respond to any input. There was a new sound coming from the rear of the fridge near the bottom as well - just a steady quiet clicking like the turn signal indicator in a car might make.

I unplugged it for 20 minutes in the hope that would effect some kind of reset but no least initially. The interior lights continued to flash on the fridge side and this had spread to the freezer side so that all interior lights would flash with the doors open. The steady clicking returned as well.

I sucked it up, called for service and was pleasantly surprised to learn they had on file that an extended warranty was part of the original purchase deal, which I had forgotten. However, while I was still on the phone arranging the service call I heard the compressor and fans suddenly kick on and the damn thing just started humming away like nothing was ever wrong.

When I opened the doors the lights flashed a few final times then came on steady. The control panel lit up and displayed the fact that the freezer temp has risen to 10 degrees from a setting of 0 and the fridge side was at 45, up from it's setting of 32. I passed all this along to the service dispatcher who decided to still send a tech for a look anyway.

By the time he arrived two hours later all temps were back to spec and you'd never know anything was wrong. This actually didn't give me any comfort because as we all know, intermittent problems you can't demo to a service person are the worst kind of hassles. The tech said he had never heard of flashing interior light problems before but did some poking around and decided it was probably a control board issue as 90 percent of his service calls on newish fridges are board problems. He said the fact the compressor was cool to the touch while running and that everything had stopped working at once further pointed to the board.

At least he didn't look at me like I was out of my mind when I described all these symptoms that were now gone without a trace (which I know this tale probably makes me sound like...). The fact the entire call was free as would be the new board eliminated the stress of wondering if his diagnosis was sound. Sure, gimme some free parts and let's see if it works! Oddly, and unlike many of the stories here, no unusual error messages were ever displayed on the panel.

So, a new control board is on order and after a brief discussion on how nothing is built to last anymore, he left. I'll post an update when the board is replaced or if the thing goes bonkers again.

Now, on to the issues of my howling Maytag washing machine...any bets on a bad bearing?.... :-p
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#2 Posted : Sunday, April 8, 2018 3:23:56 PM(UTC)

Rank: Member

Groups: Registered
Joined: 4/8/2018(UTC)
Posts: 1

Did you ever get any resolution to this problem?

I'm currently having the same issue. It started with just one side of the refrigerator doors, then the other. When the door was open the lights would flash, and you could here the power cycling on and off with the lights. As soon as I closed the door or pressed on the light switch, everything returned to normal. However now, the freezer has done the same thing for a few minutes before the whole thing went dead.

Any help would be appreciated.
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