Thanks, guys.
Thursday, took at least an hour and a half with my industrial heat gun to get the back panel thawed enough to get it off. Fan and motor totally encased in solid ice, not frost, and the cavity it sat in the same.
Checked door switch first, open, 2 contacts continuity, light, other 2 cont, fan, OK.
Defrosted fan assembly ( forget whether 500 or 1000 degree element in the heat gun, melted edges of plastic clamshell that holds the motor, no damage, tho') plugged motor in, ran slow and noisy. Replaced with new fan motor, fast and quiet, reassembled, plugged in, temp dropped about 6 degrees so went home. Last night, called daughter, freezer at -4. GREAT.
Went over this afternoon, fridge side not cooling, checked manual, forced defrost in fridge side. Compartment went up about 6 degrees before the "beep---beep---beep" drove me out of the house. Went back about 4 hours later, everybody home, no beeping, asked if they shut it off, No. Still about 60 degrees. Don't know if it has thawed itself and working its way down or not.
Pretty sure the manual says it will keep defrosting till you cancel it. Pretty sure, too (manual's in the car) that high limit is 150, low is something like -48. Would have been funny to find it at 150 and package of kohlbasi cooked in the vac pack.
Hope the kid gives me good news tomorrow. (She needs some luck. Her boy hit a deer with her car last night. Insured, but without her car till it's fixed. He can take her to work, I take the g'daughter to soccer, anyway, she needs a ride home from work and soccer away games get me home after her work hours are over.
This retired old fart of a grand pap has plenty to keep himself busy, anyhow. No vegetating, here.