Here are your parts re: could not find SN00 following is for SW00
Unit replacement parts for WHIRLPOOL ET20GMXSW00 |[COLOR="Blue"]
To overkill on the solution, I intend to replace the defrost timer, defrost thermostat and the seals on both refrigerator and freezer doors.[/COLOR]
I would not put any parts into it till you can get it cooling as this may be just
throwing money away.
[COLOR="Blue"]Defrost heater. I noted it was located at the bottom of the coil assembly and about as far away from the ice build up as it could be. I hope that indicates it is still functional.[/COLOR]
Only way to tell if it is OK is to force a defrost cycle and if it does not come on, unplug the unit, unplug the heater and check it with a meter.
In any case I would not worry about that just yet.
[COLOR="Blue"]Have I got it covered or can I/should I also consider sealing off the opening that appeared to be the entry point for the moist air to the backside of the panel?[/COLOR]
Don't worry about it yet.
[COLOR="Blue"]Any other advice would be appreciated. Also, since this model used "Ref 12" refrigerant, if it comes down to needing a recharge, it's a conversion to a newer system, (or a new refrig) yes?[/COLOR]
Once the evaporator coils are defrosted the unit should run OK till they again ice over again, if this is a defrost problem.
Sounds like you have other issues.
I am assuming that the compressor is running OK.
Let it run for a couple hours and then check the coils.
They should have a fairly even frost build up on them.
If not, if it is patchy of just in one area it is an indication of low freon.
Probably best to put the dollars into a new unit.
You need a pro to recharge the freon and it will not be cheap.
Also it makes no sense to re-fill it till the leak is found.