Originally Posted by: abadfish66 
Definatly sounds like the compressor relay on the board has a bad solder connection. .. you will most likely see a burn mark behind the biggest relay on the board. usually you can just resolder this and it will be fine, or you will need to replace the board.
I had the same problem (with model GSS25VFPAWW side-by-side), except that I called a repairman first, and he found the burn spot on the control board. He replaced the board. That was just the
beginning of my problems.
I hope you can help, 'cuz we're out of ideas.
After replacing the board, it got cold, but not cold enough. Within a few hours, both refrigerator light bulbs burned out. Replacement bulbs have been fine. Compressor running, fans running. It turned out that the air damper stayed closed all the time, so I propped it open. Repairman replaced the evaporator fan, thinking that it may not be pulling hard enough, but he had the one that did not include the sensor, so he spliced the sensor back into the new fan assembly.
I don't think it got colder.
I asked him to replace the sensors. He had only one, so he ordered a couple. By three days later, they still weren't in, so he replaced the one in the refrigerator.
It got colder. Much colder, although not cold enough. I tried un-propping the air damper. It closed itself, then remained closed, so I propped it open again.
Current status is that it runs, and gets pretty cold.
-- I have all frozen food in the bottom half of the freezer, which keeps them frozen. It does not get cold enough to hold ice cream.
-- If the air damper is un-propped, the freezer actually gets cold enough throughout.
-- I have milk and other things that really need to be cold in the bottom half of the refrigerator. Milk seems to be very close to cold enough there. Top half is merely cool.
-- Air damper stays shut if left to itself.
-- I should note that:
1. Everything
seems to work. The compressor gets cold, the compressor fan is running, the evaporator fan is running.
2. Before these problems, I had both the freezer and the refrigerator temp controls at '1', now they are all the way up as far as possible.
3. The air damper remains propped open. As far as I can tell, it no longer has the capability of opening itself.
4. My personal feeling is that
everything on the refrigerator side blew out. I wish I knew why.