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I recently purchased a new motor (AP4588329) for our Kitchen Aid 6 quart stand mixer (Model KP2671XNV) that appliancepartspros.com confirmed as being the correct motor. The wiring on the new motor is different and I need to know which wire goes to the motor 1 terminal and which goes to the motor 2 terminal on the control board. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Originally Posted by: ericrnch  I recently purchased a new motor (AP4588329) for our Kitchen Aid 6 quart stand mixer (Model KP2671XNV) that appliancepartspros.com confirmed as being the correct motor. The wiring on the new motor is different and I need to know which wire goes to the motor 1 terminal and which goes to the motor 2 terminal on the control board. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Eric, At this point, you have the incorrect part number for the motor. Based on the model number you supplied, the motor for a 6 qt. mixxer is Part number: AP4325635
and the motor for a 5 qt. mixxer is Part number: AP4588329
Based on the available diagrams and information. :) :) :)
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Originally Posted by: ha6666hhqq  北京时间4月3日下午消息,美国最大的医药福利管理商快捷药方(Express Scripts Inc)周一发布公告称,其对美可保健公司报价291亿美元的收购获得了美国联邦贸易委员会(FTC)的批准。  快捷药方表示,FTC以3比1的投票结果通过了这项交易。FTC称通过8个月的考察,发现这项交易会促进医药福利管理服务市场的竞争。  快捷药方称合并后的公司将能节省成本10亿美元,在美国每三张开出的药方就有一张由快捷药方来处理。  美国药店连锁协会(NACDS)、美国药剂师协会(NCPA)以及一些独立药房3月29日曾向匹兹堡联邦法庭发起起诉要阻止这项交易,称这项交易将压制竞争、推高零售价格,因此违反了反垄断法, 兰迪-弗耶就来了一次大爆发。据彭博社报道,巴克莱资本分析师拉里-玛希(Larry Marsh)称合并后的规模将赋予该公司在谈判中的议价能力,进而从零售商那里压低处方药价格。玛希表示:“很显然,在我们大家都关心医疗成本的时候,试图通过谈判降低价格是好事, 法国32%的选民打算在总统选举第一轮投票时就弃权。”  投资公司杰弗瑞(Jefferies)分析师Art Henderson表示,因为监管当局不同意这两家公司剥离资产,因此合并后快捷药方将不止节省10亿美元成本。他说:“我们很兴奋,两家公司的协同效应有了显著提升。”快捷药方股票昨日在纽约交易中上涨2.4%至每股55.5美元, 阿富汗政府部队的士兵已经对“友军”发动了10次袭击, 皇冠正网,该股今年累计上涨24% Could you please, re post your question or comment. Thanks,
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