Here are your parts
Replacement parts for KENMORE 66517034402 | AppliancePartsPros.comThe Sears parts site will have parts breakdowns for this unit.
Seems they like to keep the parts breakdowns to themselves.
See the attachment for the tech sheet for this unit.
Here is a manual.
I do not have a cross reference for Sears to Whirlpool units but the pump in this manual is the same as yours. Hopefully it will be a close match. have to join the site to download the manual but it is free and this is a very good site for manuals and other info for the appliance repair DIYer.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]1. How do I get into the pump itself to see if the impeller is jammed?[/COLOR]
See the manual.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]2. The troubleshooting suggestions also said the problem could be a bad pump motor start capacitor. Would the motor still hum if the start capacitor is bad? (I did notice the capacitor is dented, apparently from when the washer was removed and put in storage while major water damage to the house was repaired. Although, the washer still worked in the two years since. Maybe the dents could have shortened its life?)[/COLOR]
Yes it could be the capacitor and it will hum as it is trying to start but is not getting the extra little kick from the capacitor to start it moving.
You did say there is the motor is harder to turn than you felt it should so it sounds more like a mechanical problem with either the motor or a seal or chopper/impeller.
You could disconnect the capacitor and check it with a meter for an open or short but this will not tell you if it is just weak as you cannot apply actual working voltages to it with a meter.
3. I ran the diagnostic test per the technicians instructions, but not really sure what I was looking for, but I did notice an electrical burning smell during this. This further indicates to me the motor is getting power, but is jammed. What else besides a jammed impeller could prevent the motor from turning?[/COLOR]
Could be the seals or the motor bearings.
[COLOR="DarkRed"]4. The troubleshooting recommendations for a jammed motor is to replace the pump/motor. I figure that will be an expensive part, thus my hope to be able to unjam it. Is this worth replacing the pump and motor for a ~5 year old washer?[/COLOR]
I cannot say if it is worth replacing. It depends on how satisfied you are with the unit and what kind of shape it is in.
For instance if the racks are starting to rust out and you feel they will need replacing in a year or so then it is probably not worth the investment.
But if the unit is in good shape and has been trouble free it may be worth it.
going on the premise of "Better the devil you know".
Pull it apart and see what is shot. You may be able to get away with just a couple parts. Replacing the pump/motor is just better as the odds of making a mistake and ending up having to pull the unit apart again is lower.
That may be worth the approximate $68.00 cost differential to you.
Also depends on how mechanically inclined you are.
Part number: AP4434021
Part number: AP4434617
Click on the part's picture for more info.
Note: That when replacing parts and seal a light coating of white lithium grease often makes assembly easier as the seals/gaskets should not grab and twist etc.