Here are your parts
Replacement parts for SXD22S2W models | AppliancePartsPros.comSee the attachment for the tech sheet. The wiring diagram for your unit is on Page 12.
I think the heater coil does heat up.[/COLOR]
You cannot guess on whether the heat comes on, you have to be sure.
Remove the cover inside the freezer so you can check the defrost cycle.
If the heater does come on then you still have a defrost board problem as it is not starting a defrost cycle since your coils were heavily iced up. Also could be the defrost thermostat is toast. See below on how to check the defrost.
I think it's the control board. How do I confirm?[/COLOR]
You have to check the defrost to make sure that the defrost thermostat and the heater are OK.
To check the fan check for 120 volts across it. If there is 120 volts and it does not run it is toast.
[COLOR="DarkRed"](Oh, this may be that power-saving evaporator fan that's prone to failure, but what exactly should I look for?)[/COLOR]
It is not a power saving fan but a standard 120 volt fan.
How do I test the evaporator fan? There are three connectors: hot, control, and ground to the chassis. Can I short the control to ground?[/COLOR]
No this may be a dead short.
Or, can I test for a broken control board by testing the resistance between chassis and the black wire that goes to the thermostat to see if it's open?[/COLOR]
Not sure what you are doing here. Chassis under normal circumstances is not part of the circuit.
On this unit the evaporator fan gets power through the heater circuit when it is not in defrost mode.
N neutral - WH wire -m Def Htr - DF Ther - BR wire - left side of Frz Fan - FRZ Fan winding - YLwire - Cold Cntrl - RD wire - hot side of line.
First remove the evaporator cover in the freezer so you can see the coils.
Do not let them de-ice.
If they are heavily iced/frosted over you have a defrost problem.
If yes.
Manually force a defrost cycle, see the tech sheet.
When the fans and compressor turn off you are in defrost.
Now check the defrost heater to see if it is on.
Be careful you do not want to burn your fingers.
If the heater is on then the defrost board needs replacing.
If not on.
Unplug the unit.
Remove the wire for one side of the heating element from the wiring and measure it for continuity, usually around 20 ohms or so.
If the heater is OK
Remove one wire to the defrost thermostat and measure it, should be 0 ohms when frozen. Note that it opens just above freezing so must be frozen to check it. Also inspect it, if it is bulged at all replace it even if it measures OK.
If both the above are OK then odds are the defrost board is toast.
Best way to test this is a live test to see if you have 120 volts across the heater/defrost thermostat combo.