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Replacement parts for WHIRLPOOL KEYE767WWH0 Residential Dryer | AppliancePartsPros.comSee the attachment for the wiring diagram.
Sorry I do not know what you mean by a "starter"
First I would check the power.
Try flipping the breaker off/on slowly a couple times.
Sometimes you can loose half the line without actually tripping the breaker.
If this does nothing, check the voltage at the plug
L1 to L2 should be 240 volts
L1 to Neutral and L2 to Neutral, both should be 120 volts.
Unplug the unit and check the wires at the terminal strip in the machine to make sure none are loose or burned out
Check the power at the terminal strip.
Do this with the heater off and on.
Be careful as 240 volts is lethal !!!
Next check that the door switch is working (turning the light off). This just tells you that it is being activated and not that the normally open contacts are closing.
Next check the thermal fuse (Item 6 in Section 4)
Unplug the unit and check the fuse with a meter should be 0 ohms.
Jiggery Pokery method is.
Unplug the unit.
Remove both wires from the fuse, short them together and tape them up so they will not short to the frame.
Plug the unit in and give it a try.
If blown, replace the fuse ASAP as it is a critical safety device re: prevents lint fires which can turn into house fires.
Also clean/check your vent system and the blower as these are the most common causes of it blowing.