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My oven is a GE oven/microwave combo in the wall. It is 19 years old and the model number is JKP62G0K3. If you have an idea about what could be wrong I would be grateful
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Could be a blown bake element or a burnt wire, just pull out element and check.
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It was the day before Thanksgiving and our fridge went out. Of course it was filled with the festivity meal fixins. We live in Dallas, and first had to pick up my brother in law at the airpoirt, an hour drive each way, in traffic. My oldest daughter went into labor sometime that day. The repair man came out, and this was his third or forth visit on the same appliance. Since we had the lemon purchase agreement, we were able to return it, to Best Buy, which by the way isn't true (it's not the Best Buy). Of course getting to the store and finding a replacement, that was in stock (at the store) the day before a holiday is not possible. We were told we could have a replacement in about 10 days. We decided to pick a more expensive model provided it was available in the store or we could purchase floor model. We explained to them our time issue. meanwhile my daughter was calling, wanted her mother at the hospital of course. Now it is closing in on about 6PM , before we could even trade in our broken fridge we had to go back home, unload all the food, get the old to the store and through customer service. Then the manager decided not to sell the floor model. He was not brought in on the probelm at the very beginging as we were told. We were not even allowed to use a dolly to bring the old fridge back to the store. I will assume every one has had similar Best Buy experience and will not bore you with the entire details of dealing with them. We fianlly got home around 10PM with a new fridge, the baby was born around 7PM. My wife and daughter will never forget, and we never shop at best buy any longer. It was a girl.
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On "Thanksgiving Eve" my wife had returned from the grocery store and had all the fixins for a tremendous Thanksgiving dinner, next to Halloween it is without a doubt her "High" Holiday. You would think you were in Plymouth Rock if you came into our dining room, turkey plates, turkey silverware, turkey stemware, ad nauseaum, well she enjoys it and I like the food. Our dogs, Cletus and Lucy (Arkansas Leg Hounds) were also anticipating the coming feast and were "Underfoot", as usual. My wife after opening a low cabinet backs up a step and feels a dog there, when she tried to not step on the hound she stumbled, fell and broke her ankle very badly. It was like the scene from "A Christmas Story" , all of my visions of "Turkey Heaven" were dashed! We had a house full coming over and my wife being the trooper she is, a "small" gin and tonic and 3 percocet's ;) later cheerfully prepared and cooked the entire meal with her casted foot elevated up on a stool, this is now referred to as the "Thanksgiving that almost wasn't". Thankfully our crappy almost new Frigidaire stove decided to work fine that day! Now when we unload groceries I run the dogs out of the kitchen until they are called to take inventory of their "Snacks" that my wife always gets them. Not appliance related but a near "Horror" story for sure! She said I looked so sad that she could not possibly "Cancel" Thanksgiving! Three Cheers! Hip Hip Hooray! A chorus of "For She's a jolly good fellow!"!!!! :D "A Hungry Dawg Hunts Harder" :D
A grateful husband
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a few Thanksgivings ago, my mother and aunt were carrying the Turkey and my uncle's birthday cake to the table and they bumped into eachother and the cake fell on the turkey. It is probably the biggest food disaster I've seen in my life...ruining a perfectly good cake and turkey!
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We had a turkey we had killed in the spring frozen for Thanksgiving. My mother in-law decided to deep fry rather than roasting. What she didn't know was that her husband had skinned the Turkey when he killed it. For future reference, NEVER DEEP FRY A TURKEY WITHOUT SKIN!
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Originally Posted by: saradell65  What was wrong with your oven? I had that same experience this year and the repair guy told me my oven is fine! Ussually the temp is too high so it cooks on the outside but raw in the middle.
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See the problem I just posted about today. 4 days before T-day! :mad:
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This Thanksgiving was interesting. The day started off pretty normal but then went down hill a little. The first think that happen was that the vacuum sweeper went pop and the next thing there was nothing but smoke. Well there was no big problem because we had the shop vac that was able to get the job done.
We have a large family but it is easy because we have two kitchens. I placed the second turkey in the older oven only to have the board completely short out in less than a half hour. The oven was 20 years old so I guess it was time for it die. I had to make several phone calls to find one of my firneds who would let me use their oven to finish the turkey. It was interesting cooking between two different houses.
Even with all of this Thanksgiving really wasn't a horror story. However I have a large family with 6 sisters and 7 sister in laws and today was our cookie bake. Thus I talked my husband into going to Lowe's on Friday to buy a new oven. He was nice about it and went at 5:00 AM to buy the one I had picked out on their web site.
Since they could not deliver in time he had taken the truck to bring it home. The one I wanted was not in it's box but was shrink wrapped waiting to be place on the floor. He had them place it in the truck and started home - however he forgot one thing - he did not secure the oven. So needless to say the oven tip over into the tail gate busting the front glass.
The good news was that the oven was no worse for wear and still worked. Now here is where the day really went well. He order the new glass yesterday. Today we started baking using the new oven. At 12:00PM a delivery truck shows up and they have the new glass. It took him 15 mins to install the glass and now everything is like it should be.
Thank you Appliance Parts Pros.com for great service. He order the part around 10:00Am yesterday and the part was deliver to PA and installed by 12:30PM.
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Has anyone had a entire group of relatives over with Holiday songs playing on the radio and they start playing the song "grandma got run over by a reindeer", or some other disgusting song.
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