I have had trouble with this dryer previously but for a non-related issue. I replaced the coils after coming here and it has worked great ever since.
Recently, I started noticing that it was taking longer for loads to dry but the heat seems to work fine. I checked the exhaust and it is not clogged. In the last few loads, I noticed that a squeak was developing while the drum was turning.
Then I noticed that it seemed like the dryer was taking longer to start. I push the button and the sound is heard of it starting by it doesn't start as quickly. Then, I began hearing louder squeaking noises.
I checked the drum and noticed that it was difficult to turn. Not always but seemed like on one side of the turn. Then, it finished a load and now, it will no longer start.
I press the button and hear the motor actuate but it doesn't turn the drum, just hums. I let go of the button and humming stops. I am assuming that I have a belt issue but I was hoping to get some feedback here because I am in no way, skilled at this. Also, I noticed that the drum does not seem to be "exactly" centered on the front. I can lift the drum slightly up and down. I believe there is a sleeve that the drum slides on there.
As always, I appreciate any help. Thanks..
Update: I did something I probably wasn't supposed to do but I wanted to see if the drum was turning at all when I pushed the start button. So, I opened the door and pushed the little switch that the door pushes on and then hit the start button.
The drum is definitely trying to spin but seems like it is dragging real hard. Turning the drum by hand is quite difficult but it does spin. I hope the extra information might help someone looking at this post.
Thanks again!
Update 2: OK. I removed all the clothing which were a bit wet still, and tried again to turn it on. It started and spun for about 15 seconds. Then I heard a click and it shut down. After that the only sound I could hear was the timer.
Update 3. Picture added of motor location. I didn't remember taking pictures last time when I replaced the coils but I'm hoping someone recognizes this setup and might point me to a manual or maybe provide some instructions on how to work on this thing.
The coils were relatively easy to replace once they were determined to be the problem but this thing looks like it has to be accessed from the front and as you can see, it sits all the way to the back.
If an other photos or information is needed, please let me know. I'm in the process of pulling the front end off again. Thanks!
redeyedog attached the following image(s):