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My washer would not complete a cycle and was not unlocking in a timley manner.I replaced the control board and still having the same problem only it unlocks like it should.I can not hear the water entering the washer but there is some in there and the same amount even though we have tried quite a few times to wash a load.
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With a two level sensing pressure switch you will have about 3.5" of water in the wash basket with a a "Quick Wash" cycle selected. With a "Bulky Items" wash cycle select you will have about 7.5" of water fill in the wash basket. Do a check and see if you have those fill levels.
You are not timing out with an NF error code so I feel you do not have a pressure switch issue.
Check the water inlet screens for debris and see if the flow rate increases and you hear water flow and faster fill time.
What error codes if any when the washer would not complete a cycle prior to the Control Board replacement?
What are the first two digits of the machines S/N? Dick
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I checked the water inlets and they seem fine and i can hear water filling.There were no codes before or after i replaced the control board.The s/n is 11846607fp.I tried running through another cycle and the same thing half way through it stops,this time all the water drained out.
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Ok it sounds like you are failing in Spin Cycle of the wash cycle with no error code, is that correct? What does the console Cycle Status led indicate when you reach this condition?
With an empty wash basket with no visible water in the wash basket, open the lid and spin the wash basket CCW (the spin direction) as fast as you can. The wash basket should coast for several revolutions to a gentle stop. What are the results? I’m checking/trying to get a feel for Outer Tub Bearing drag.
Take that same wet wash load (balance it out as best you can) and run the washer thru a Quick Spin Test and record if the machine will step thru the wash basket RPM ranges or fail out of the Quick Spin Test. That test is on page 14 of the Service Manual. See if the machine will reach 85. on the LED display for 850RPM the max spin RPM for the FAV6800A. Don’t be confused by the SM it will list the same test for the FAV9800A which apparently has a max spin of 1000 RPM.
I would also suggest you review and record the Diag codes recorded by the machine. See page 17 of the SM. Maybe that will provide some insight to the failure. Once recorded clear the list and let’s see what feedback we get from any diag codes recorded on the next wash cycle attempt.
I’m an owner like you no expert for sure but have logged some troubleshooting time on the machines with a FAV6800A Series 10, 15, and 17. Your machine is a series 11……….Dick
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The basket will not spin at all !!
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OK I would drop the Clutch Pulley out and see if the Upper One-Way Roller Clutch Bearing ring is rusted solid to the Spinner Shaft Coupler and One-Way Roller Clutch Bearing Clutch Pulley Mounted bearing.See this post to get started for disassembly Maytag Neptune load unbalanceOnce you remove the Clutch Pulley Assembly the wash basket should rotate CCW very easily with little Outer Tub bearing resistance . The wash basket should not rotate CW with the Clutch Pulley Mounted and the drive belt on.Save that old Control Board it may be good and you may be able put back in the machine and return the purchased Control Board......Dick
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Thanks i will try this, i will keep you updated.
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