Hello and thank you for reading this post. I have recently run into an issue with my Whirlpool Gas Dryer Model LGQ9558KQ0. After searching through these forums and looking over Youtube I hope I have figured out what is wrong.
I already ordered the two gas coils from this website for my dryer hoping that is what is wrong. Here is the story.
When the dryer is cold, I will start a drying cycle. Using the peep hole I see the orange glow of the ignitor. Then I hear the click and see the blue flame. This runs for a good amount of time. Possibly 10-15 minutes and then shuts off. The problem seems to be that the flame never returns. This causes the heat level to drop to nothing and the clothes do not get dry.
I see the orange glow, and then I hear the click, but the flame does not come out.
Unfortunately I did not have a multitester and jumped the gun in ordering the parts. Therefore, I'm posting here asking based on the information given, does it sound like the gas coils could be at fault?
Finally, I did find my multitester after I placed the order. It is a very old tester but does have the Ohm setting. I read over how to use the multitester to get the resistance reading. I'm having a difficult time determining the results when using the meter due to the numbers on it. Here is an ********** auction for the exact meter so you can see what it looks like:
http://cgi.********.com/...&hash=item53dcabf82fUsing this thread on this forum to get the Ohm levels for the coils:
http://forum.appliancepartspros.com/dryer-repair/8901-dryer-runs-but-no-heat.html It states: "across the terminals on the left side coil (on the picture) - 1220 Ohms ± 50, across the left and middle terminals on the right side coil - 1365 Ohms ± 25, across the right and middle terminals on the right side coil - 560 Ohms ± 25"
The Ohms number on my meter do not reflect these numbers. For example, because the ********** auction is hard to tell, I have from left to right: 00, 5020, 10, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.
Since I have the gas coils out of the dryer I tested it using the multimeter. When I measure the two terminal coil, the meter's dial moves between the 2 and 1. Right in the middle.
The three terminal coil. Looking at it from the top down, the left and middle terminal measure a 2. The middle terminal and right terminal measure in between the 1 and 2, just about at the half way mark.
If I now go to the dryer and use the meter on some of the other things, I do have a question. If I pull one wire out of the part I'm testing, do I use the positive or negative probe on the open terminal part, or does not it not matter?