Here are your parts
Replacement parts for FRIGIDAIRE FEZ831AS1 Lc - Frigidaire | AppliancePartsPros.comHere is the wiring diagram a manual, is fairly general. I am not sure if it is for your exact model. get rid of the capitals at the start of every word, just makes it harder to read.
I Have Changed The Following Parts: Timer, Heater Assembly, Thermal Overload, Bearing Kit And Still The Dryer Isn't Right.[/COLOR]
Only part of the above parts that can shut the unit off is the timer.
You did not say if the timer advances to the off position?
[COLOR="Blue"]When I Try To Use The Timed Dry Side, It Runs For 10 Minutes And Turns Off. When I Use The Normal Cycle, It Lasts For 30 Minutes, But It Should Run For An Hour. What Have I Missed?[/COLOR]
By turning Off, I assume you mean the entire unit re: motor.
Can you turn it back on right away or do you have to wait several minutes.
If you have to wait, this is usually the motor overheating.
I cannot explain why the difference between timed and auto modes.
[COLOR="Blue"]The Only Parts I Can Even Find That Might Be An Issue Are The Following: Thermostat Heater And Thermostat Control. Could They Be The Issue? If So, Which One Or Both?[/COLOR]
Doubt either will cause the unit to shut off as neither is in the motor's circuit path.
When running the motor circuit path is:
N neutral, DOOR SWITCH contacts C/NO, MOTOR M6, motor's RUN winding, motor's internal thermal protect, THERMAL LIMITER (fuse), DRYER TIMER contacts C/B, L2
Thanks, My Wife Is Driving Me Crazy About This.[/COLOR]
Well at least she has an excuse, mine just drives me crazy.
Need more info on what is happening when it shuts down?
Need info on what you have to do to restart it?
Was this the original problem with the unit?
It does sound like a bad spot in the timer. In timed dry the timer motor gets power all the time, in auto modes it only gets power when the heater is shut off. That would explain the different shut down times.