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Replacement parts for WHIRLPOOL LER4634EQ2 | AppliancePartsPros.comHere is the wiring diagram
So I replaced the thermostat and heating element.
I ordered a new motor and installed it. Now I have 2 problems. I am assuming that you replaced the 4 wire operating thermostat.
First thing to consider is could you have wired the heater up wrong?
If the temperature selector regulates the temperature then it is probably OK.
There is always a possibility that you received a defective heater re: has a grounded element. Easy to check with a meter.
Unplug the unit
Unplug the wires at the heating coil and measure the coil, should be about 10 ohms.
Then measure from each heater connector to the case, both should be infinite ohms (open). If not you have a grounded element.
The first problem I don't think is a big deal. The drum makes a noise when it turns. Depends what is causing the noise. Could be that the blower wheel is not properly installed. If it is slipping on the motor's shaft, it will reduce air flow and cause overheating.
I look inside and something in the back is red hot. Is it the heating element that I just installed? Yes it is the heating element.
It should shut off (get duller and then go dark) when you open the door.
It is normal for it to get red hot.
It smells like it is getting too hot. This may be normal depending how much you have used it.
It will have to burn off manufacturing residue. Also when working on it you probably disturbed some dust so that also will have to burn off.
Anyone know what could be causing this? Not sure.
Undo the dryer from the exhaust
Run a load
If you do not want lint in the house.
Take a pair of pantyhose, put one leg into the other and attach this to the dryer exhaust.
Leave enough room behind the dryer so it can blow out like a windsock.
Run a load.
Both the above will allow you to check the air flow and temp.
NOTE: It is always a good idea to clean/check the vent system. Make sure the outside louvers open fully. Could be it is reducing your air slow.
Also check that the seals (drum etc.) in the unit are OK as they can reduce air flow in the unit and cause overheating.