Well, the gremlins are back once again...
I worked on cleaning out (once again) all the water inlet lines, as this unit was down to getting less than a cup of water on its own. To use it, we had to constantly monitor it even worse than before and always add water at the right times.
In a fit of rage, I started to take out the DW to just replace it with a used unit. When disconnecting the water inlet hose from under the sink, I happen to see something that was 98% clogging the water inlet line. Okay, so I cleaned it out and flushed the water lines, put things back together, and Wow! The unit actually filled with water all on its own!!! It started up and the spinners spun like there was no tomorrow. I'm so happy, I'm almost having the Big-O watching this thing work. Then, boom. It's dead, Jim. It's other old problem comes back to haunt me.
Now the unit switches itself completely off after 10 minutes from starting. Repeat, reset, kill master power, retry, etc. Time and again it dies at the same point - 10 minutes into the cycle. :mad: After about 10 or more attempts to restart, it finally starts and keeps running. Say the little kitchen appliance prayer over it.
Now at least when it runs, there is water in it and the spinners can be seen flying around when you open the door, the water is hot and steamy, and life looks good. I have not had a good chance to see how it actually cleans yet, but it should do a good job at this point.
Anyhow, I'm babbling... When I run the Field Service Test as can be seen on page 4, upper right hand column, of this link:
http://www.servicematters.com/maytag...s/16026390.pdfit fails with the Light Wash LED flashing. According to this document, this means "Motor - low current" (not to be confused with the other possibility of "Motor - high current"). Three times in a row it failed with this same error code, so I guess it really means it.
What does this really mean, and what should I check now? As I sit here typing this, it has finally succeeded in making it past the critical first 10 minutes, so the motor is actually working.
Could this field test result also mean that the actual power getting to the unit is faulty and not necessarily that the DW itself is having problems? I ask, as I am having weird electrical problems now with some of my circuits and this might be a new one with problems. :confused:
What's a girl to do..... thanks for any help!