On the bottom of the pump there is a exit for the water to drain. I took that hose off and found a flapper valve that was sucked in somehow causing a clog. After removing said flapper valve my dishwasher works great. Good luck I hope this helps........:)
Sorry I don't have a disposal Gene but will try it tomorrow. Thanks for replying. I did do that before I changed the pump assembly and really nothing came out. I then blew through the hose and water did come out in other end so I don't think there is a blockage.
Remove the drain hose from the garbage disposal and put it in a bucket. Run the drain cycle and see how it drains. Post the results.
I hope you don't mind me jumoing in on post but since it's exaclty related i thought it would be better thatn starting a new post.
I has the exact symptons that Steve had and replaced the drain pump today. But it still won't drain the water, I hear the drain pumo kick on but it sounds like it is running dry, I hear no water flowing through it. I checked the hose for blockage and it is clear. Any ideas as to what else I could check? Frigidaire Model FDBB2040FC
I'm glad you were able to fix it. Good luck with your dishwasher.
The new drain pump arrived today. I was able to install it in about 10 minutes, and that fixed the problem.
Gene, I owe you one! :D
That was it! There was proper voltage, so I am ordering a new one. :D
You are welcome. Keep us posted.
Again, thank you so much! I will check it out.
Check if there is 120 VAC to the drain pump while the control calls for drain. If there is proper voltage, replace the drain pump. If there is no proper voltage, check the wires. If there is nothing wrong, replace the control board. - The drain pump Part number: AP4019644