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Guest Posted: Wednesday, May 22, 2024 9:30:29 AM(UTC)
Hi William,

Delayed response... Thank you for your response. I will pull the mw and test as you described. I will report back here so as to document the answer for a future case.

WilliamM/APP Team Posted: Wednesday, May 8, 2024 6:08:25 AM(UTC)
With the power cord unplugged, the power control WB27X10861 would need to be accessed to test the thermistor using the wires found at connection CN8. From the red wire to the blue wire, it should measure 400K Ohms, then from the red wire to the white wire it should measure 290K Ohms. Finally, from the blue wire to the white wire it should measure between 42K Ohms to 178K Ohms at room temperature. If the thermistor checks good, the most likely failure would be the power control.
Guest Posted: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 9:52:09 AM(UTC)
Hi William,

Thanks for the response.

Yes, the fan does kick on and stays on for the entire cook time. The problem occurs whether I use microwave, convection or speed cook.

WilliamM/APP Team Posted: Tuesday, May 7, 2024 6:57:35 AM(UTC)
Mark, when the microwave is in operation, does the blower fan kick on to circulate air through the unit?
Mark Russell Posted: Sunday, May 5, 2024 8:05:15 AM(UTC)
Hi All, I have a GE Advantium 120 SCB1001MS01 microwave that works and heats in all modes, but shuts down when it gets too hot, including the display going out and the clock needing to be reset. I'm thinking thermostat but want to verify with anyone who has had the same problem. Mark