Hi, my name is Lucas. I have a 14 month old LG LDFN4542S. I ended up getting the LE error code. I checked the motor impeller housing for any foreign objects and none were found. Impeller spins freely. I checked the resistance across three poles and all three readings were around 24ohms. Next, u took the front door apart to check for any broken or chafed wires. None were found. Next I took out the PCB (EBR864734) and checked resistance between the three poles (RD3 connector) and got about 4ohms. I don't have a service manual for this particular dishwasher but I found one for another model (schematics appeared similar) and the testing procedure outlined in that service manual stated that the PCB is dead of the resistance across those three poles is between 0 and 50ohms. Can someone please tell me if my testing procedure is correct. I can't afford to just start blindly replacing $300 parts. Thank you