Sorry for not getting back to you sooner but I was out at the cottage. Here are your parts Parts for Frigidaire FRS26LH5DS0 Refrigerator - AppliancePartsPros.comLooks like you have a defrost problem. Download the tech sheet to see how to force a defrost cycle. First remove the evaporator cover in the freezer so you can see the coils. Do not let them de-ice, looks too late for this so you will have to let the coils get cold again. If yes. Manually force a defrost cycle by turning the defrost timer, see the tech sheet. When the fans and compressor turn off, you are in defrost. Now check the defrost heater to see if it is on. Be careful you do not want to burn your fingers. If the heater is on then the adaptive defrost board needs replacing. If not on. Unplug the unit. Remove the wire for one side of the heating element (Item 14 in System Parts section ) from the wiring and measure it for continuity, usually around 60 ohms or so. If the heater is OK Remove one wire to the defrost thermostat (Item 21 in the System Parts section ) and measure it, should be 0 ohms when frozen. Note that it opens just above freezing so must be frozen to check it. Also inspect it, if it is bulged at all replace it even if it measures OK. If both the above are OK then odds are the board is toast.
Also the not so frosted part you see is cause I started defrosting the freezer, it was built up just like the rest.
Well I spoke too soon as after I transferred everything into this fridge and freezer things turned out to not be freezing or cooling.
So I now have it empty again and pulled off back cover and saw the coils loaded up even worse than last time.
I been dealing with this pos fridge all day and already lost a good amount of food and I can't afford a repair man as I'm on disability.
Please help!!
Thank you very much for your response, fridge seems to be cooling fine now. Only other issue I am having is when I want to put back the false wall (the one that covers the fan) it rubs up against the fan causing the fan to stop, I tried pushing the fan bracket back more but it won't go back any further. Is there suppose to be spacers that go I between the back construction and the false wall? When I got the fridge the screws were missing. Very confused about this.
Here is the tech sheet which may come in handy in the future. http://manuals.frigidaire.com/p...f/Anderson/240389616.pdfHere is the o[perators manual just in case you do not have it. http://manuals.frigidaire.com/p...Anderson/240581300en.pdf[COLOR="Blue"]is there suppose to be a layer of frost on the coils?[/COLOR] Yes, this is normal. Any moisture in the air in the unit will condense/freeze onto the evaporator coils. Then your Adaptive Defrost Board automatically monitors how often the door is opened and will schedule defrost cycles depending on that. This melts off the layer of frost. The only time frost/ice is a problem is when it gets so thick that the evaporator/freezer fan cannot pull air through the coils to cool it properly. You then have a defrost problem. Symptoms are that the compressor runs aall the time. Also you will notice a temperature rise in the fresh food section and later the food in the freezer will start to melt. [COLOR="Blue"]Are they suppose to be just cold with no frost on them?[/COLOR] No because any moist air humidity will condense on the coils and every time you open a door you let moist air into the unit. Sounds like your unit is OK.
Also before bringing it into my home I tipped the fridge over just enough so I could rinse down the bottom then hit it with compressed air to clean the coils out of dust. I have checked the gaskets around both doors and they seem to be good and both doors shut properly.
I just bought this fridge used, the fridge was delivered in the up right position but to get it in my house it had to be laid down to get it in my home. Anyways I set it up and waited about 24 hrs and fridge didn't get below 40 degrees but freezer was almost at zero degrees.
So I opens the back panel and saw the coils were frosted but looked to be a little iced over, fan is working properly.
I changed out the defrost thermostat just a few hrs ago and again noticed a white layer of frost getting on the coils.
My question is there suppose to be a layer of frost on the coils? Are they suppose to be just cold with no frost on them?
Thanks in advance.