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Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
Gene Posted: Saturday, March 14, 2009 12:18:29 PM(UTC)
The heating element is #17 on the diagram. You have to remove the rear panel to access it. Remove the wires from the heater terminals and check for continuity between the terminals and each terminal to ground (metal case).

The following article on our forum will explain in detail how to run a continuity test - How To Check Continuity With Ohmmeter.

Here are the break down diagrams and Replacement parts for WHIRLPOOL LEC5000PQ0 |

dragonboy Posted: Saturday, March 14, 2009 12:25:00 AM(UTC)
Thanks for responding Gene.

No heat on any cycle, but I'll check the timer to see if it works on "no heat" cycle. Also, do you know how to check the heat coil and where it's located?
Gene Posted: Friday, March 13, 2009 5:29:24 PM(UTC)
Originally Posted by: dragonboy Go to Quoted Post
...the dryer continues to tumble, but does not stop and there's no heat...

Does it do it on all cycles? Try the dryer on "no heat" cycle.

dragonboy Posted: Friday, March 13, 2009 3:02:10 PM(UTC)
I have a Whirlpool dryer model: lec5000pq0 and the dryer continues to tumble, but does not stop and there's no heat. I've checked the thermal fuse, thermal cut-off and high-limit fuses with an ohm meter and all three read .05. I'm finding contradicting info online. Are these good and what are the next steps? Please help. Thanks!.
vgstein Posted: Thursday, March 5, 2009 2:37:41 PM(UTC)
replcae cycle thermo - where is that located? I don't think I replaced it incorrectly, was only looking at one at a time and put them bcak where they belong.
vgstein Posted: Thursday, March 5, 2009 2:34:51 PM(UTC)
No, but that's my point: without re-starting the dryer the timer used to "wind down" and "finish" the cycle. No longer does this but I don't know if that's something I need to be concerned about or if it's just going to be a quirk.
gls674 Posted: Thursday, March 5, 2009 2:11:35 PM(UTC)
dryer counts down on timed dry? if it does replace cycle thermo, sounds like you put the hi limit where cycle is?
Gene Posted: Thursday, March 5, 2009 2:04:00 PM(UTC)
Originally Posted by: vgstein Go to Quoted Post open the door to stop it and close the door, the dryer stays off and the dial whcih used to wind down to "off" now sits there...

Did you push the Start button after you closed the door?

vgstein Posted: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 9:23:39 AM(UTC)
No, all sounds "normal" except a) no clicking of gas sequence starting and b) after I test it and open / shut the door the timer (dryer now off) does not keep counting down.

3 hours and 1 trip tp appliance store later: The excellent staff at Fox Appliances (Atlanta) recommended swapping the relays, heat for motor, since they are the same. BINGO! The gas mechanism works!!

I still have questions. Why, if I put the "bad" heater relay into the motor place does the motor still work? Do I need to replace it? Also, I notice now that the automatic timer is not working- Dryer is drying, you open the door to stop it and close the door, the dryer stays off and the dial whcih used to wind down to "off" now sits there. Is that a problem?
vgstein Posted: Wednesday, March 4, 2009 9:21:55 AM(UTC)
Checked the thermal fuse - reads good. So does flame sensor and high limit thermostat. Could not get any reading on thermister so I'm thinking of changing it just to be sure ($27). Installed new circuit board, dryer still runs w/out heat (and no glow on igniter). Has been fun looking into it anyway, took the drum out and cleaned things up. Almost ready to call the service / buy a new one.