I've been going crazy with my GE top load machine sometimes it will drain perfectly and sometimes not I've had service people here no one could figure out what the problem was I changed the belt I put new water inlet valves in I checked the water level sensor and finally I purchased a new drain pump during the process of removing the old drain pump I realized that the amp connect plug was very loose apparently what was happening is with all the jiggling and shaking and vibration the plug would come loose enough so that the drain pump would sometimes WUvgyS3nnot drain I put the new pump in made sure that the plug was tight and twisted slightly the amp terminals so that they would make good contact and not loosen and then I used a nylon tie strap to hold the plug secure now it's training fine all the time
Armored and Strong Technical Services L.L.C is a leading property maintenance and renovation company in the United Arab Emirates, the best home maintenance company in Dubai. Our experienced team and extraordinary services confidently exceed our clients’ expectations. Our principal areas of business include, but are not limited to a wide range of property maintenance, facility management, and property renovation, interior design, and fit-out. Here, at Armored and Strong, we have molded a mission to customize, design, and execute a service that is timely, reliable, sustainable, cost-effective, and that guarantees quality for our customers.
Help with washing machine! Model GTW460ASJ7WW
My washing started out with not agitating but now after changing out some parts it now will not spin. It would fill, drain and spin as normal at at the beginning and just would not agitate on any cycle. So I first replaced the base of the agitator- that was not the issue (will still work normally but no agitating). Next I replaced the mode shifter and clutch and since doing this it now will not spin (which it did before) and still does not agitate. I have no idea what to check next! I am at wits end with this thing!
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Hi there , yes washing machine repair can be a tedious job but we are local repair service so we can help you out since washing machine repair requires a skilled technician you can get help from us . Check out our blog to learn more about washing machine repair. Repair Thankyou .
So it might not that how the washing machine works like it intake the water automatically and also drain out the water by the horse pipe so some times the horse pipe jammed or locked so if that happened one must call the washing machine repair for fixing the issue.
I faced the same problem with my washing machine. washing machine faulty switches problem is very critical problem.Sometimes overheating issue also occurred and I have been searching for the best washing machine repair dubai service center. Because all problems would be solve through expert technicians.
Thanks Matt! Problem solved! It took me a while to figure how to open the damn thing, with that fake lock in the front, and no screws to remove the front cover... I pushed my screwdriver in between pannels, and it opened! The water pump had fibers at the exit chamber. Cleaned it out and everything is basck to normal. Thanks again, Paul