I gave you the motor model number. The washer number is LAT8714AAM and the motor model is 568PSMES-1103 with a part number from APEX of 12002363
Motor black matches washer PURPLE or light brown on washer and Motor dark brown matches wash PURPLE or Light Brown on washer. That is my specific question
Hello :) I have a maytag washer that it was determined needed a new motor. At least that is what we came up with. The timer would advance in all settings, but would not aggitate in any mode but Gentle. It is a two speed motor. We purchased a new motor, 6 color wires. 4 match up.... 2 on the washer have purple and light brown. The new motor has a black and dark brown. Do you know what matches. Manufacturer wont give info and local repair just want me to bring it in. Its not brain surgery and to get a truck and bring it in, when I am two wires away from a ton of laundry. Please help!:confused: