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Joe / APP Team Posted: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 6:41:24 AM(UTC)
Originally Posted by: drewbenson Go to Quoted Post
Good morning everyone,

Yesterday my wife told me that our 13-year-old washing machine was making something of a bad smell, and that all of the water was not spinning out -- clothes were very wet, but most of the water was gone from the tub.

This morning I filled it to less than 20% of the capacity with water and left just a couple small towels in it, and ran the spin cycle with the top open. It started somewhat slowly and got up to speed eventually, but the full speed probably wasn't reached for 45 seconds or longer.

Letting go of the "button" that allows it to spin with the top open, it stopped immediately. I then started the spin cycle again, but while holding onto the tub inside. I only ran it about 5 to 7 seconds like this, but it was VERY easy to hold onto it and keep it from moving.

This machine has been with us since it was new. I think we had one repair of about $200 6 or 7 years ago (performed by repair person), but I don't recall what that was. I've done a few minor repairs myself -- replacing a few springs, drainhose, etc.. So, I'm looking at a 3-way decision:

1- try to repair myself
2- pay someone to come check it out
3- buy a new(ish) one

Any suggestions of possible/probable causes?

Thank you all!


It's about time for the clutch to start "slipping".

Part number: AP3094537
Part number: AP3094537

It's an easy somewhat inexpensive repair.
Makes a nice weekend morning project(maybe a hour or so).

Here is an excerpt from our Repair Forum, so you'll have an idea of what to expect.


Good Luck,

:) :) :)
magician59 Posted: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 6:09:58 AM(UTC)
A clutch replacement on your machine isn't a difficult job for the average DIYer, if one is mechanically inclined. There are excelent Youtube videos that can be accessed to help you with the process.
drewbenson Posted: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 4:52:54 AM(UTC)
Good morning everyone,

Yesterday my wife told me that our 13-year-old washing machine was making something of a bad smell, and that all of the water was not spinning out -- clothes were very wet, but most of the water was gone from the tub.

This morning I filled it to less than 20% of the capacity with water and left just a couple small towels in it, and ran the spin cycle with the top open. It started somewhat slowly and got up to speed eventually, but the full speed probably wasn't reached for 45 seconds or longer.

Letting go of the "button" that allows it to spin with the top open, it stopped immediately. I then started the spin cycle again, but while holding onto the tub inside. I only ran it about 5 to 7 seconds like this, but it was VERY easy to hold onto it and keep it from moving.

This machine has been with us since it was new. I think we had one repair of about $200 6 or 7 years ago (performed by repair person), but I don't recall what that was. I've done a few minor repairs myself -- replacing a few springs, drainhose, etc.. So, I'm looking at a 3-way decision:

1- try to repair myself
2- pay someone to come check it out
3- buy a new(ish) one

Any suggestions of possible/probable causes?

Thank you all!