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engrguy Posted: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 5:03:17 PM(UTC)
Ok so now it works but it still has water left in the bottom when its completed its cycle.

For all I know it may have always been that way.

Anyone Anyone?? Bueller, Bueller?
engrguy Posted: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 2:53:18 PM(UTC)
Never heard back from anyone so ventured into it without guidance. Worked out. I bailed all the water out. Removed the spinner and then held the larger rectangular tube to one side then removed the screen basket for the drain. after that I reached in with my finger and feel some items in there. Paper and what not. Fished some of it out. Then used a fork to get some more out. Put it back together and then fired it up, Seems to be working ok now.

We will see
engrguy Posted: Wednesday, July 5, 2017 7:06:55 AM(UTC)
Started the dishwasher yesterday. After it running for a while I thought it was done as it stopped (no idea when I was outside) Opened it to find a broken glass and plate in the button and about 2 inches of water in the bottom. I cleaned up the broken glass and tried to run it. It starts up (as I can hear it in the sink) but then shuts down after trying to pump for about 20 secs.
