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Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
SanbornNoah Posted: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 7:55:45 AM(UTC)
$350 is more than enough cost for that repair, an expert from door repair toronto near me has done the same job for $200.
SophieTracy Posted: Friday, June 4, 2021 7:52:03 AM(UTC)
I really want to know the experience you had while doing garage door repair, please share it with me.
Express Repair Posted: Thursday, June 21, 2018 1:51:18 PM(UTC)
Appliance repairs are worth it since you double and even triple the lifespan of your appliance. Everything is fixable these days, just the marketers try to make it seem like you need to always buy new appliances and electronics in general.
If the issue doesn't cost more than a new appliance, then definitely fix it, if it's a big problem than you should maybe consider buying a new appliance but always get a quote for the repair cost.

Source: appliance repair toronto
spadekevin Posted: Saturday, June 16, 2018 5:52:31 AM(UTC)

For the past six months our refrigerator/freezer, while it continues to make ice, when you try to push the lever from the outside no ice would come out. Other than that the thing works fine. I've been just dealing with it for a good long while and finally hired someone to come fix it. Total cost? $350. Just to be able to get ice without having to open the door to the freezer and reach inside, which is a small inconvenience really and hasn't bothered me much to be honest with you. So I started shopping around to see what a comparable but brand new refrigerator would cost. Looks like I could have bought a new one for around $800. They do get much more expensive and fancy than that, but I'm just talking about one similar to ours in terms of its features. Ours is fourteen years old. The last project was our garage door. It broke twice and I spent over $1,000 on repairs. When it broke for a third time and they wanted another $400-$500 to fix it I decided to buy a new one. Got a brand new insulated garage door and all the machinery that goes with it (which is much quieter than my old one) for less than $2,000. I wish I had just bought a new one from the get go but I didn't know any better at the time. I've begun to feel like I'm getting fleeced here. Do you have any specific criteria as for how much you are willing to spend to fix something, as opposed to just replacing it? If your budget wouldn't be stretched to just buy a new one? Are appliance repairs in general a ripoff? I have heard people say that televisions and computers, as cheap as they have gotten these days, should never be repaired but instead should just be replaced. Is this true of other appliances and I just didn't get the memo?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

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