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Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
Alfmalph Posted: Thursday, April 7, 2016 11:03:27 AM(UTC)

Well I finally got the inner tub out and it wasn't as easy as the repair video. I won't go through a lot of details that I went through. What I finally did was I used my spanner wrench. Put the wrench down over the center of the tub and pull up on one side of the wrench until you get a good grip of the drum and pull up. What you have to do next is have a second person hold a piece of 2x4 down onto the drive block (where the spanner nut came off) and hit the 2x4 with a hammer (I used a 3lb. dead blow hammer). You may have to strike a few times until the tub and center drive block breaks free from each other. If you have no one to help with this part, as I did, it can be done with a little ingenuity by using plastic ties or wire to wrap around the 2x4 and the skinny center shaft. This will give you the ability to hold up on the tub with one hand and the other hand to swing the hammer. Once I had the tub out the drive block came right up after a few taps with the metal hammer. I couldn't believe all the junk build up. I never mentioned but this washer that I'm working on is over 23yrs. old. I've had it since brand new. Now i can try and finish my repairs and get it back together and pray that it works. I hope that I have explained things well enough. If there are any questions feel free to contact me at anytime. I can be reached at

RichardZ Posted: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 12:14:19 PM(UTC)

Will do. However, I'm wondering if this question has gotten lost. Since AppliancePartsPros provided the YouTube video, I figured that this was the place to ask questions, but other than your post, I have not heard anything ...

Alfmalph Posted: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 9:22:55 AM(UTC)
I also have the same problem of not being able to remove the inner wash tub after removing the center nut. I can't believe that no one else has ever come across this problem. Its like there is something else that needs to be removed in order to take out the inner tub. Please let me know if you happen to find a solution and I'll do the same if I can figure it out. Thanks
:confused: :(
RichardZ Posted: Saturday, April 2, 2016 8:36:28 PM(UTC)
Hi All,

I have a Kenmore clothes washer, model 110.92284100. You can see a diagram of it at http://www.********************************.com/model-number/11092284100/0582/0153200.html.

I need to replace the outer plastic tub. I'm following this AppliancePartsPros video to disassemble the machine. I've completed everything down to and including the step to remove the tub nut. According to the video, I should be able to simply lift the inner tub out, but it won't budge. I've tried WD-40, and banging on the inner tub's central post (that slides down the shaft) in order to loosen any built-up crude, but without success. There are four nibs that poke out through holes towards the bottom of that central post. I've pushed these in, but still no go. It feels like something still needs to be removed, but I don't know what.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance,a
