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Last 10 Posts (In reverse order)
redknitter Posted: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 10:20:55 PM(UTC)
That second video was much more help than the first.

Dryer seems to be working now, but still doesn't seem to be as hot as it should be.

When I put the meter on the coils (as in the video) 1 & 2 were fine, and 4 & 5 were fine. However, 1 & 3 gave no reading at all. Would that affect the level of heat?
redknitter Posted: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 6:48:10 PM(UTC)
We're on propane. Hose between the dryer and the wall is definitely not kinked. Have not had the pressure checked . . . why would it suddenly change?
ThatGuy Posted: Saturday, March 5, 2022 11:41:27 AM(UTC)
Are you on LP or natural gas? Have you had your gas pressure tested? Is it possible you have a kink or obstruction in your gas line?
redknitter Posted: Thursday, March 3, 2022 12:47:00 PM(UTC)
Nope -- no loaded and no junk. Just a little dust, and some light assorted lint on the foam ring where the 'lint chute' meets the back of the washer.

Turned it on and watched (again) through the peephole. Burner comes on, then gradually dies down to a flicker and just flickers.

Could the solenoids I bought be bad?

Don't get so excited. It's bad for your blood pressure. :D
redknitter Posted: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 5:02:19 PM(UTC)
Nope -- no loaded and no junk. Just a little dust, and some light assorted lint on the foam ring where the 'lint chute' meets the back of the washer.

Turned it on and watched (again) through the peephole. Burner comes on, then gradually dies down to a flicker and just flickers.

Could the solenoids I bought be bad?

Don't get so excited. It's bad for your blood pressure. :D
redknitter Posted: Thursday, February 24, 2022 9:29:38 PM(UTC)
OK -- well that was fine, but my family members religiously clean the lint screen between EVERY load, and sometimes during a load (we have lots of pet hair). Since I just replaced the solenoids, I know that the inside of the box is clean, and I checked the hose recently as well. I have also recently checked and cleaned the exhaust thingy outside (we have one that closes more completely and securely when not in use, as we live in a cold climate).

Any other ideas? :D
redknitter Posted: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 7:24:03 AM(UTC)
This dryer, which has almost new solenoids, is making heat (burner fires), but it is either not hot enough, or it's not staying on enough. The sensor dry/timed dry knob doesn't move at all if on sensor dry, and dryer will run forever. If that knob is set on timed dry, the knob does move to count down the time, but dryer doesn't get hot enough to dry contents in a normal amount of time. This dryer doesn't seem to have any sort of dry sensor in the drum. What should I replace next? Thanks for your help.